We are thrilled to announce the exclusive partnership with Cryogenic Speciality Manufacturing for liquid nitrogen dosing. Read more in the attached press release:

Cryogenic Specialty Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. (CSM), a leading provider of liquid nitrogen dosing solutions in the food industry in Asia, has partnered with KTW Technology GmbH (KTW), a leading provider of innovative system solutions for discontinuous direct dosing of liquids such as flavors and additives in food packaging, to expand their reach in the European market. Effective April 2023, KTW Technology GmbH will exclusively distribute and service CSM’s high-quality products in key European markets, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. CSM will also expand their sales activities for KTW dosing technologies in the Asian market.
„We are thrilled to have found a powerful and established partner in the European market with KTW Technology GmbH to support us in realizing our expansion strategy!“ said Howard Chan, owner of CSM, who has over 20 years of experience in liquid nitrogen dosing, with over 450 installed applications.
„With CSM, we have a highly successful partner whose products and services complement our portfolio for the food industry, allowing us to expand and enhance our offerings to existing and new customers,“ said Wolfgang Teichmann, Managing Partner of KTW.
Together, KTW and CSM will offer a powerful portfolio of high-speed dosing solutions for customers seeking significant efficiency gains. „We aim to make food production and packaging processes more efficient and sustainable with innovative and superior technology. With the products of CSM, we can provide high-speed dosing solutions that enable our customers to achieve these goals,“ emphasized Markus König, Managing Partner of KTW.
CSM and KTW look forward to sharing their expertise and engaging with interested companies and stakeholders. For more information, please contact KTW Technology GmbH at phone +49 2636 807773 or mail info@ktwtechnology.de.
April 2023, Selangor, Malaysia and Wehr, Germany